Sorry Who Are You
Each person on this planet is weird, unique and relatable in the most fascinating ways. Host MacGyver Mann interviews these people and make you feel like you know them even though you have never met them or heard of them.
They start the episode by reading a short autobiography from each other and then dive into the things about who makes them who they are: their memories, histories, relationships, past traumas, therapy sessions, pursuit of happiness, and everything that makes a person tick.
At the beginning you will feel like you want to ask, "Sorry, who are you?" and by the end you will say goodbye to a friend.
Sorry Who Are You
37 McKenzie Mann - Cactus Poop, Parents Divorce & Home Life
MacGyver is joined this week by his older brother, McKenzie Mann! They start off by swapping stories from their childhood, from driving to high school together to finding a mysterious turd next to a cactus on a family outing (sorry, mom!). As they continue talking, they get into some of the more serious matters of their youth with discovering who they are near their college years and their parents divorce and how it affected each of them. They end the interview with hindsight as 20/20 and how they would change any element of their past to be closer as brothers.
Podcast note: this was the first recording in Arizona, USA using new equipment and space, so the audio quality may differ from the previous episodes.
As a note from MacGyver: this episode is really a special experience for me as I was able to speak to my brother in an honest, open and vulnerable environment that marks such a growth in our relationship since returning from China in Nov 2023. Love you, Mac!
You can follow McKenzie on IG here:
You can follow the podcast on IG here: